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Arun's CoachMantra

“I see coaching as a very spiritual and transformative process which can bring significant, often life-changing breakthroughs in effectiveness and well-being, as well as a highly positive impact on the business front.”

Area of Expertise

Next Generation Leaders • Top Talent

Hours of
Coaching Experience
Years of
Overall Corporate Experience

Over the past 30 years with corporates in India and abroad, Arun has logged over 3500 hours of Coaching, predominantly at the CEO-level.

He is familiar with 360 degrees as a base instrument for coaching. He has attended 60 hours of ICF-certified Coach training from FastTrack Coaching, USA.

Arun is the only coach from India who was invited to speak at the ICF International Conference at Long Beach in the USA in 2007. He has published various articles on coaching besides his books on Leadership. He also conducts ICF-certified training programs.


What makes Arun stand out as a coach is his intense presence in the coaching sessions, listening, and compassion. Arun believes in trusting his intuition to guide him in each moment as to the most optimal strategy and response at that time.



Compassion and a deep intention that the other is liberated from suffering and limitations.




Key Sectors for Coaching

Awards & Recognition

Winner of the prestigious ‘Learning Luminary’ Award

at the Best Change Interventions of Asia Study & Awards, organized by the L&OD Roundtable, July 2013

Author of the award-winning book “Managing from the Heart”

co-author of four other books and publisher of over 30 papers. He also has co- authored, “One Wholesome World” book along with his father Dr. Omkar Nath Wakhlu.

Course Director for programme on “Ethics in Public Governance”,

designed for senior members of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and Indian Police Service (IPS). Arun has taught “Corporate Ethics” in the PGPX programme and “Managerial Oral Communication” at IIM, Ahmedabad.

A Little

About Arun

Arun is a true believer in the concept of One Wholesome World: a world which is joyful, socially just and healthy for all (including future generations) co-created by communities of people who are living and leading consciously.

It is this passionate desire to reach out to others that led Arun (along with his partner Anu) to start the Pragati Foundation, a Non- Government Organization based in Pune. The Foundation works towards realizing this dream.

He also leads the project “Awaken-I” committed to the vision of “Great Work for all”.

A man of varied interests, Arun is fond of long walks along with his dog. He also enjoys conversations from the heart, meditation, graphic recording, dancing, and creative writing.

What makes Arun stand out as a coach is his intense presence in the coaching sessions, listening and compassion. Arun believes in trusting his intuition to guide him in each moment as to the most optimal strategy and response at that time.


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